December 24th (7:30 AM - 3:30 PM), December 25th & January 1st (Closed).
Normal business hours are in effect all other days.
Holiday Hours: December 24th (7:30 AM - 3:30 PM), December 25th & January 1st (Closed). Normal business hours are in effect all other days.


Most products ship within 24-48 hours. UPS Next Day or UPS 2nd Day orders must be placed before 11:30am or they won't ship until the following day.

We require payment with order. Visa, MasterCard, Discover, and American Express are accepted.

All orders shipped directly to you will be charged the shipping amount set by UPS, FEDEX or US MAIL, PLUS a handling fee of $4.00 per box. This will be automatically charged to your credit card or billed to your account. UPS COD is an Extra $15.50 per box.

Items which are too large to be shipped via UPS will be shipped truck freight collect.


Please do not hesitate to call if you have questions.

We are not responsible for typographical errors. Please double check your information to ensure successful delivery.

New Canadian customers: please call in your order. You cannot order online, but if you call in, we can set you up with an account so that you are able to going forward.

All Returns will be Charged a 10% Restocking Fee! Customer is responsible for the Shipping.


Please inspect your packages when they arrive. You must report shortages within 10 days of when the package was shipped to receive credit.

If you picked up your order at our showroom, and missed some of your items, we will be happy to ship them to you. However, please be aware the shipping charges will be added.