December 24th (7:30 AM - 3:30 PM), December 25th & January 1st (Closed).
Normal business hours are in effect all other days.
Holiday Hours: December 24th (7:30 AM - 3:30 PM), December 25th & January 1st (Closed). Normal business hours are in effect all other days.

Maple Spouts Spiles Taps & Tools


Hale Matton has been collecting spouts and other sugaring paraphernalia for almost 50 years. This book includes photographs of and information about his extensive collection of historical maple sugaring equipment, patents and ads from the U.S. and Canada. While it contains hundreds of pictures or drawings of different spouts, they are still just a few of all the spouts ever made. With 280 pages of spouts and other items, this book is an important historical review and great addition to any maple enthusiast's library.