Summer Happenings at Bascom
After a busy and hectic spring, the summer months can seem quiet but there is still a lot going on here at Bascom’s. Each department is able to keep busy and has something going on. While the truck traffic may have slowed down, the cooler is still busy receiving in syrup. Most days throughout the summer there are multiple tractor trailer loads coming in. The bottling lines continue to run all summer long, and syrup is shipped worldwide. The woods crew remains busy as well. After they get the spouts pulled (no small task pulling 100,000+/- spouts) they get busy replacing some tubing, doing some logging, cutting firewood, and getting things ready for next season. They are also heavily involved with any building projects or other improvements that may be taking place.
The showroom is open 6 days a week year round. After open house, we can get to work on those things that were put on the back burner during the season. We are also busy bagging fittings, covers, and other items, so they are ready for sale come fall and spring. A lot of work goes in to figuring out what will be needed for the coming season and getting it here. While the catalog usually doesn’t come till sometime around Christmas a fair amount of time is put in during the summer and fall to get that ready. If you need some supplies, or have some questions about your next purchase, know that we are here year round to help you out.
No matter what department someone is in, the summer is a great time to for a vacation and to get away with the family. We all need some time away from work to recharge. If you are traveling to New England why not stop in and check us out!